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发布时间:2024-10-05 12:35:01  点击量:739

本文摘要:Earlier this week China Real Time asked whether Apple Inc. could launch a new product without incident. The answer Friday morning was a quiet yes. 本周早些时候,中国实时报栏目曾明确提出这样的问题,苹果(Apple Inc.)能否在发售新产品时不经常出现任何闪失?

Earlier this week China Real Time asked whether Apple Inc. could launch a new product without incident. The answer Friday morning was a quiet yes. 本周早些时候,中国实时报栏目曾明确提出这样的问题,苹果(Apple Inc.)能否在发售新产品时不经常出现任何闪失?周五早上,我们获得了一个认同的答案。Apples latest iPad model went on sale quietly on Friday at a retail location in Beijing where unruly buyers and sullen crowds had marred past releases. Roughly 40 customers quietly lined up Friday morning outside the Apple Store in Beijings high-end Sanlitun shopping and restaurant district. They waited within a cordon surrounded security personnel and reporters. Store doors opened at 8 a.m. without disturbances. 周五,北京的一家苹果零售店在安静的气氛中开始发售最新款iPad。这家店过去每次开始发售新产品时,都会被严守规则的购买者和气愤的人群搞得一团糟。周五上午,约40名顾客在坐落于北京三里屯高端购物和餐饮区的苹果店外安静地排队。

他们车站在警戒线之内,警戒线之外是安保人员和记者。苹果店8点按时门口,没经常出现任何恐慌场面。The first customer, 34-year old Ye Huafei, said that he had come to get the new iPad because his mother had appropriated his to watch television shows. He said he was busy over the weekend, so he decided to get it on the first day of release. 分列在第一位的顾客名为叶华飞(音),今年34岁。

他说道,因为他的母亲 看视频抢走了他的iPad,所以他才来卖个新的。他说道,自己周末很整天,所以要求在发售第一天就来出售。Sales at Apples other four company-branded retail stores in Chinaalso appeared to go smoothly. 苹果在华另外四家官方零售店的发售工作或许也展开得十分成功。The orderly opening was a far cry from previous new product releases at the Sanlitun store. In January, the company briefly stopped selling its new iPhone 4S at its China Apple Stores after unruly customers led police to seal off part of the mall at the location. 这个井然有序的发售日与苹果三里屯店之前的新产品发售场面构成了鲜明对比。

今年1月,由于顾客排队的秩序陷于恐慌,警员被迫封锁了购物中心的部分区域,苹果也不得不立刻暂停了新的iPhone 4S的销售。In May 2011, customers who lined up for new white iPhones scuffled with employees, leading managers to lock the doors. 2011年5月,排队出售新的白色iPhone的顾客与苹果店员工再次发生打斗,苹果店被迫继续重开。For the launch of the new iPad, Apple instituted a system new to the location in which buyers were required to take reservations beginning on Thursday, the day before the launch. Customers were then given a set time to pick up their devices. 这次发售新的iPad之前,苹果店落成了一个新的系统,购买者必需从发售日前一天(也就是周四)开始在系统中提早预计。消费者可以在登录的时间内取货。

Wang Qin, the chief executive of application development company Xia Yi Zhan, said while waiting in line for his new iPad that he thought the new system helped make the situation at the store smoother. 应用于程序开发公司Xia Yi Zhan的首席执行长王勤(音)在排队等候出售新的iPad时说,他指出新的系统让苹果店的秩序好了很多。But from what I read I didnt expect it to be as crowded, he said. IPad launches havent been as bad as iPhone launches. 他说道,根据我掌控的信息,我预计今天会有很多人。

iPad的发售场面不像iPhone那样可怕。He also complained about the how long it has taken for the new iPad to come out in China. The new iPad, which has improved screen resolution and faster data-connection capabilities, was unveiled in March in the U.S. 他还责怪了等候新的iPad在中国发售的时间过于宽。新的iPad今年3月份就在美国公布了,这款设备的屏幕分辨率更高,数据相连速度也更慢。Though it debuted late in China compared with many other nations, the product has been available in Chinas gray markets, where vendors have them shipped in from places like the U.S. and Hong Kong. 尽管新的iPad在中国发售的时间晚于其他国家,但在中国的灰色市场早已可以购买这款产品了。

那里的新iPad就是指美国和香港等地运来的。Mr. Wang blamed the delay on a recently settled lawsuit between Apple and a Chinese company over the iPad trademark, but wasnt overly downbeat. 王勤指出新的iPad在中国如期不发售的原因是苹果与中国企业的iPad商标权诉讼案。此案最近刚真相大白。但他未对在中国如期拿将近新的iPad深感过分反感。

I wasnt expecting to get the iPad, but I got an email at 8 pm, he said, explaining that users had to wait to find out if they had secured a time. 他说道,我并没指望自己能购买新的iPad,但是昨天晚上八点接到了邮件。他说明说道,用户在预计后必须等候确认信。Wu Xinfang, a 43-year old stay-at-home mother of two, said her sister called her excitedly at 4 p.m. Thursday once she got confirmation she could purchase an iPad. From Datong in Shanxi province but visiting Beijing for the summer with her children, Ms. Wu said that she would pick up the iPad for her sister and bring it back to Datong in August. 吴新芳(音)是一名43岁的全职主妇,有两个孩子。


吴新芳说道,她来老大她妹妹卖iPad,八月份时会将购买的iPad送回太原。Ms. Wu said she arrived early because she was worried about the crowds. Still, it was more out of duty to her sister than love for the product that she came out. 吴新芳说道,由于担忧人多,她早早地就到了。

她回到这只是想要给妹妹拜托,并不是因为自己对iPad有多么热衷。I like things that are more practical, she said, flashing her old-style keypad phone. The iPad is for playing, watching TV and playing video games, but I dont like to spend more than a few hundred yuan on products. 她说道,我讨厌更加简单的东西,并向记者展出了自己的老式全键盘手机。




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