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发布时间:2024-09-30 12:35:01  点击量:314

本文摘要:Chinas push to become a world leader in high-tech industries has one neighbor particularly worried about new competition on the block: South Korea.中国正在希望谋求沦为高科技产业的世界领导者,这样的野心引发了邻国韩国的担忧。

Chinas push to become a world leader in high-tech industries has one neighbor particularly worried about new competition on the block: South Korea.中国正在希望谋求沦为高科技产业的世界领导者,这样的野心引发了邻国韩国的担忧。韩国担忧自己不会步入新的竞争对手。

In Chinas new economic blueprint unveiled during the Two Sessions, known as the 13th Five-Year Plan, Chinese officials identified semiconductors as a potential tech sector to dominate. That has raised an alarm in South Koreas semiconductor industry, the worlds largest after the U.S. with an 18 percent global market share.在“两会”上发布的中国新的经济蓝图(即十三五规划)中,中国官员回应,确认将半导体这个具备极大潜力的技术作为新的发展方向。这一要求引发了韩国半导体业的混乱。韩国是次于美国的世界第二大半导体生产商,占到全球市场份额的18%。

At present, China commands just 3 percent of the global semiconductor market share but Beijing is hoping to increase that figure as part of its plan for new services industries, dubbed New China, to bolster gross domestic product (GDP). Aside from semiconductors, New China sectors also include chip materials, robotics, aviation equipment and satellites.目前,虽然中国在全球半导体市场上只占据3%的份额,但中国期望减少这一比例,并将这作为其全新服务产业(即“新的常态”计划)的一部分,从而提升GDP水平。此外,除了半导体产业,该计划还牵涉到芯片材料、机器人、航空设备和卫星等多个领域。Officials intend to achieve that goal by increasing the share of spending on research and development (RD) to 2.5 percent of GDP for the 2016-2020 period, from 2.1 percent in 2011-2015, according to the new Five-Year Plan.中国官员回应,根据新的五年计划,在2016年-2020年期间,涉及领域的研发资金将由2011年-2015年占到GDP的2.1%减少至2.5%。Chinas announcement has of course not remained unnoticed, especially by large players in high-tech industries, economists at investment bank Natixis remarked in a report.知名投行法国外贸银行的经济专家在一份报告中认为,“国际社会只不过早已注意到了中国在这方面的发展,尤其是几家高科技领域的巨头们。

”Its aggressive push is worrying for [South] Koreas industrial giants. If we consider that Koreas major global comparative advantage is high-tech electronics, such threat becomes a systemic threat for the countrys economic future.“中国的积极行动让韩国的工业巨头们忧虑深感。鉴于韩国在全球的主要竞争优势在于其高科技电子产品,中国的这一行径对韩国的未来经济造成了系统性威胁。

”South Koreas semiconductor industry is certainly paying attention. A day after the new Five-Year Plan was announced, Koreas Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA) urged President Park Geun-Hyes government to counter the new market threat.韩国半导体产业回应紧密注目。就在中国“十三五规划”发布的第二天,韩国半导体产业协会之后拒绝总统朴槿惠制订措施应付新的市场威胁。

I thought that China had attempted to invest only in the semiconductor industry but it seems that China has gone a step further, KSIA Chairman Park Sung-wook was quoted as saying, referring to Beijings aspirations to become a major semiconductor maker.对于中国有志沦为半导体生产大国的雄心,韩国半导体产业协会主席朴星昱近日回应:“我原以为中国只是企图投资半导体产业,但没想到中国比这还更加将近了一步。”Leading Korean producers such as Samsung and SK Hynix should be worried, Natixis argues, citing three key factors.法国外贸银行指出,这样的现状的确应当引发三星和海力士等韩国主要制造商的推崇,并得出了三个最重要原因。Heavy consumption强劲的消费力China is already the largest consumer of semiconductors globally, which should support its domestic producers, Natixis explained.法国外贸银行说明称之为,中国已沦为世界仅次于的半导体消费国,这不会为其国内的半导体生产商获取反对。This is particularly relevant for Korean firms since they serve the Chinese market in quite a massive way.“这与韩国公司密切涉及,因为中国原本是他们的一个极大市场。

”After Intel, Samsung and SK Hynix are the biggest semiconductor suppliers in the Chinese market.在中国市场,三星与海力士是次于英特尔的第二大和第三大半导体供应商。China is South Koreas largest trading partner and the exchange of goods between the two nations is set to ramp up in the wake of last years Korea-China Free Trade Agreement.中国是韩国仅次于的贸易伙伴。去年,两国签定了《中韩权利贸易协定》,这将不会增进两国之间的贸易量更进一步快速增长。A bottom-down model以市场为主导Beijing has also unveiled new steps that demonstrate its commitment to becoming a semiconductor superpower.中国还发布了一些新的措施,表明了它想要沦为半导体产业超级大国的决意。

China has strived to become a global player for a decade now but it hasnt achieved success thus far due to its insistence on a state-led centralized approach to industrial development, Natixis said. Now, officials are embracing a more market-oriented method that encourages competition and allows companies to tap public funds to buy expertise abroad.法国外贸银行称之为,中国为沦为全球半导体产业领导者希望了十年,但未取得成功。原因在于此前中国仍然采行国家主导的方式掌控产业发展,如今中国更好地使用市场主导的方式 ,希望竞争,容许企业利用公共资本出售国外技术。For example, China created the National Integrated Circuit Industry Equity Investment Fund in 2014, endowing it with $18.4 billion. Moreover, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology intends to spend $153 billion over the next decade to support the semiconductor sector - the bulk of which will be spent on buying expertise from foreign competitors, according to Natixis.法国外贸银行在报告中举例称之为,2014年,中国成立了国家集成电路产业股权投资基金,投资184亿美元。此外,工业和信息化部计划在未来十年内投放1530亿美元反对半导体领域,其中大部分资金将用作从国外竞争对手手中出售专业技术。

This obviously increases Chinas competitive threat [to Korea] in as far as they are able to execute appropriate merger acquisition (MA) deals in this sector.“中国在这个领域展开的拆分与并购交易,很似乎增大了对韩国的竞争威胁。”Chinese investors have already started snapping up semiconductor assets. Last year, a consortium of China private equity firms snapped up U.S. firm Omnivisions Technologies for $1.9 billion in cash while a separate group of Chinese investors bought Nasdaq-listed Integrated Silicon Solution for $640 million.中国投资者们早已开始供不应求半导体资产。


Shift to mobile改向移动领域Lastly, Korean semiconductor manufacturers tend to focus more on computers rather than mobile handsets, demand for which is growing at a faster clip. Because China dominates mobile demand, it is ideally placed to profit from semiconductor growth.此前,韩国半导体制造商更加侧重电脑领域而非移动设备,而移动设备领域正在以更慢的速度发展。中国对移动设备的半导体市场需求是仅次于的,这也将为半导体产业的发展带给了相当可观的利润。

Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix are the world leaders in DRAM chips, key for personal computers, so as demand for those chips decline, semiconductor profits at both firms have slowed in recent quarters, Natixis said.法国外贸银行还说道,三星电子和海力士是世界存储芯片制造商的领导者。该芯片是个人电脑的核心组件。因此,随着对这些芯片市场需求的增加,这两家半导体公司将近几个季度的利润快速增长也随之上升。

Samsung and other Korean firms will need to push to achieve competitiveness in a higher tech level due to the changing nature of demand for chips as well as Chinas push for technology gains.“由于芯片市场需求的转变以及中国的科技野心,三星与其他韩国企业必须提升科技水平,以应付竞争。



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